Local Radio Should be Frack-Free Radio

NPR is still taking money from frackers, running pro-fracking ads and reporting stories with a pro-fracked gas bias. So far, we've had trouble getting the national reporters and ombuds to listen to our concerns, so we're trying a new angle to turn up the volume and get them to drop the frackers.

NPR gets more money from local stations (like WGBH in Boston, WNYC in New York and KQED in San Francisco) than they do from corporate sponsors like the Natural Gas Alliance - almost twice as much funding comes from local stations as from the frackers and other corporations, in fact! Those local stations, in turn, get most of their funding from local listeners like us.

So rather than going back to the glitzy DC offices, this time, we want to direct our comments and actions to the local stations we all know an love. Our demands are simple: Stop taking fracking money, and stop telling fracking lies.

Sign here and we'll deliver your name to local NPR stations over the next few weeks. If enough of us take action - by speaking out, showing up at local stations, and talking to our local community radio during pledge drives, we can get them to relay these demands to the national NPR offices - and even threaten to abandon pro-fracking radio for clean local alternatives. That should create the conversation, and the change, we need to furn NPR back into national PUBLIC radio, not national FRACKING radio.

To local NPR affiliates:
Money from the fracked gas industry is poisoning our public radio, and destroying the credibility of your news departments. But appeals to reason, morality and basic economics have all gone ignored by the national NPR staff.

Local NPR affiliates did not create the problem, but by acting together and using the force of our collective funding to NPR, you have the power to create the change we need. As your listeners, donors and neighbors we're asking you to communicate the following demands to National Public Radio on our behalf. Only by acting together can we effect the coverage and sponsorship of national programs like Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

1. Stop taking money from the Natural Gas Alliance and other fossil fuel profiteers. It's immoral, it flies in the face of the massive divestment and "carbon budget" movements and it destroys your credibility. 2. Fix your coverage: Fracking isn't clean, fracked gas isn't "natural" and millions of Americans are harmed every day by these extreme extraction processes and the climate chaos they create. You must report our stories, not talking points from the fracking industry.

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Original Petition by Environmental Action