Richard Stallman's personal site.

For current political commentary, see the daily political notes.

RMS's Bio | The GNU Project

What's bad about: Airbnb | Amazon | Amtrak | Ancestry | Apple | | ChatGPT | Cloudflare | Discord | Ebooks | Eventbrite | Evernote | Ex-Twitter | Facebook | FLIXbus | Frito-Lay | Frontier | Google | Gofundme | Grubhub | In-N-Out Burger | Intel | LinkedIn | Lyft | Meetup | Microsoft | Netflix | Patreon | Pay Toilets | Privatization | Skype | Slack | Spotify | Tesla | Threads | Ticketmaster | Uber | Wendy's | WhatsApp | Zoom |

Reasons not to use food delivery app companies such as Grubhub, DoorDash, and Uber Eats

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